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The Mother Letter Project

I was doing some blog-hopping this morning and hopped over to Rocks In My Dryer. I try to visit her blog at least once a week to catch up on all her great posts.

There are so many people trying to find new, different, frugal ways to make Christmas special this year without adding to their current debt.

Today she has a great post telling us about the Mother Letter Project. A man who has requested all mothers to write a letter to his wife encouraging her in her mothering journey.

If you'd like to participate in the Mother Letter Project, you can read the full instructions here. Write her a letter. It doesnt have to be elaborate or long and encourage another mom. If you have a blog, consider posting about this project to spread the word. Let's help Danny make this a wonderful gift for his wife.


  1. Thanks for finding this and posting to share the idea. I posted on my blog (centralillinoisian.blogspot.com)as well and linked back to you.

  2. centralilli- Hey thanks for stopping by and the plug on your blog.
