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Today is National Peanut Butter Day

Today is National Peanut Butter Day!

Did you know it takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter?

My family loves peanut butter as much as chocolate. When the two are paired together I know it will be a treat they will love. Americans were first introduced to the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup in 1928 and is the favorite candy bar in this house.

Their favorite home-made treat is Chocolate Peanut Butter Fingers.

They are quick, easy to make and don't last long around here.

What is your favorite peanut butter recipe?

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  1. That home-made treat looks just amazing!

  2. I do like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and I like peanuts in chocolate (like M&Ms or Mr. Goodbar), but otherwise, I don't really like the peanut butter and chocolate combo. In fact, I don't really like peanut butter with anything sweet. No PBJ for me. I can handle a plain peanut butter cookie, though.

    Mostly I like plain PB spread on celery or on a cracker. I've been known to top it with a slice of dill pickle, too.

    Yeah, I'm weird.

  3. Allison thanks for stopping by!

  4. Annie dill pickle? ewwwwww! lol

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  6. Parsimony that link for the skippy has expired. I'm sorry.
