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75 Frugality Blogs That Will Change Your Life

AccountingDegree.com has published a list of 75 Frugality Blogs That Will Change Your Life and I made the list! How cool is that? Thanks Rose for including me and my blog. I hope I continue to help others become more frugal in many different ways.

For me frugal living has given me MORE, not less. I've learned to shop, cook and decorate more frugally so I get more for my money. I like to think of it as stretching a buck instead of pinching pennies!

I see several of my blogging friends that made the list too, so be sure to check their blogs out as well.

I'm a button maker and thought this deserved one. So feel free to grab it off my sidebar if you wish. If you would like for me to make a button for you for something else, email me, my prices are affordable!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Looks like a lot of us were on the list! Goes to show that what we write on here actually makes a difference to at least a few people. Congrats to you too!
