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Garden Update

Monday Morning.... yuck. I have to go back to work after having four days off.

Thursday and Friday I put together a raised bed right off my deck for a kitchen garden.

I planted spinach, lettuce, chives, carrots and onions in it.

This weekend my wonderful hubby and son built 6 additional beds for our garden. Him and boy wonder even filled them for me!

We planted more asparagus (you can never have too much asparagus, right?) strawberries, garlic, and onions.

The last two years we planted okra in this over sized bed. It made it easy to pick. I was going to plant zucchini there this year but changed my mind.

I decided to plant yukon potatoes there using the square foot gardening method. The main reason is yukons do not grow potatoes in layers. They are an early variety. Wish I knew that last year. It would have saved me a lot of work.

I was too lazy to fight string in the wind and just laid these old boards out for a guide to get them planted.

The other 4 new beds will are for tomatoes.

Did any of you get any gardening done this weekend?

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  1. You should just call in sick today.
    Nope, no gardening here but I was able to do a lot of Spring Cleaning!

    1. Mark 2 weeks ago I called in sick two days, last week I took two days vacation, otherwise I would have. Don't even speak of spring cleaning. ugghhhhh

  2. It all looks great! We built some new beds this week, too. And by we, I mean Shane. :) I plan on doing a garden update post tomorrow or Wednesday.

    Has your asparagus come up yet? We harvested three spears on Saturday and added it to some from the store. Yesterday we saw 4 or 5 more emerging. I didn't know that Yukon potatoes don't grow in layers. Good info for us to keep in mind if we try them in the future.

    Where are you working now? Last I knew, you were not working.

    1. Annie, no the last time I checked none of our asparagus that we planted last year has come up. I told hubby you had some up already, he asked some guys at work if any of theirs was up and they all said no too. You are the early bird! :P

      Yeah I'm working again, they called me back at the end of February. Still same place up by you on N. Scott.

  3. Looks awesome! can i borrow your hubby and his helper to fill my beds too? and yes, you can never have too much asparagus! Mine is still dormant but I will be adding few more roots to the new garden on the back wall. Hopefully in 3 years I'll have enough to harvest :)

    1. Jenny we won't be able to harvest much asparagus this year even though our plants are three years old. I'll send hubby right over to help you.

  4. I wished I could, but I can't find the garden yet. It's still buried with 2 feet of snow.

    1. Ian you still have that much snow? WoW!

  5. Looks fabulous! You are reminding me of all we have yet to do!

