Amy over at Cutting Coupons in KC told me about a recipe for Clorox Anywhere Spray that Michelle from Money Saving Madness had posted. I love this stuff! It’s so easy and CHEAP!
Here’s Michelle’s recipe, and be sure to visit both Amy and Michelle’s blogs. They have wonderful ideas and tips to share.
This product is no secret recipe. It is 99.9% WATER! ~and costs $3.29 or more per bottle. You can make your own with this easy Clorox Anywhere Recipe:
22 oz. Empty Spray Bottle
1 1/2 teaspoons bleach
22 oz. of Water
Add bleach and fill with water, shake to mix.
It's that easy and you'll save so much money never having to buy this product again!
Thanks for the link. I can't believe I used to pay $3.29 for water!
ReplyDeleteThis is so crazy! I can't believe that it's mostly water, and for $3.29? insane! thanks for the tips!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm glad I read your post before wasting money on this!
ReplyDeleteI'm a culinary student and we've known this for a long time. The first thing we do when we go into the kitchen is make up a few buckets of this solution. Its amazing what these companies can get us to buy. Thank you for the heads up!
This is exactly what I use. On most cleaning products, the first ingredient is water................some very expensive water!
ReplyDeleteI think it should only be 1 mL of bleach. 1.5 teaspoons gives you much more sodium hypochlorite than posted on Clorox Anywhere.
ReplyDeleteddc131 It really depends upon what you are wanting to disinfect. Different strengths of bleach are required for different jobs. The 1.5 tsp is safe to use to cover a wide range for the different germs with no adverse effect. Thanks for your input
DeleteThank you so much for the tip!!! I noticed on the back of he bottle the ingredients.. it blew my mind... I feel stupid for paying that much, but now I know!!!
ReplyDeleteJenny I felt the same way, as well as a lot of other people.
DeleteJenny also, this needs to be mixed and used daily. do not store the mix for more than 24 hours because the bleach breaks down and isn't as effective after that time period.
DeleteMore reading from Centers of Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov/flu/pdf/freeresources/updated/cleaning_disinfecting_schools.pdf
and http://www.clorox.com/products/clorox-regular-bleach/how-to/
Q: I know the anywhere label says not to reuse the spray bottle but can I still reuse it if I'm making this bleach recipe? Is the "no reuse"label just a disclaimer so you don't use it for other non-compatible solutions?
ReplyDeleteI only have an opinion and that would be it is just a liability issue for them and they cover their own butt by putting the disclaimer on their bottle.
DeleteWhat kind of a bleach do you use?
ReplyDeleteCan Hydrogen Peroxide be used?
thank you