I love the free The Ultimatest Grocery List because it saves me money! It even has a vegetarian version!
Here is how:
-Saves time getting you in and out of store reducing impulse purchases which saves money.
-Saves time by just checking what you need, no long lists to write out.
-No duplicate items purchased that you already have on hand, saves money.
-No return trips for forgotten items saving you gas.
-Menu planning and a grocery list based on what's on sale and what you already have on hand, matched up with available coupons really saves a lot!
-Menu plannning for a week (or more) will help you use purchased ingredients up before they expire.
-Menu planning will save on unplanned dining out.
I keep copies in my household management planner. As I'm going about my day and discover something I'm low on or need, it's right there and I tic it.
Do you use a printable grocery list? A handwritten list? Do you find your meal planning goes smoother and you don't spend as much money when you have a list?

I have a pantry inventory that I try to keep as current as possible so that I know when I'm using up the last of something. I use it when I'm planning my menu for the week and make a list of things I need but don't have.
ReplyDeleteI always shop from a list. I've absolutely hated the few times I've left it at home and had to try to shop without it. I've tried using pre-printed lists, but they aren't my style. I think I just enjoy the act of writing out my list by hand more than I like checking things off a list.
Annie, I hate it if I forget my list!
ReplyDeleteI created my own version of this type of a list and have used it for many years. I update it from time to time. As long as I have the items on my list in my house I can make almost anything. It helps tremendously to curb expenses. It is so important to me I have it backed up onto a flash drive.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a printable list, I like that idea! I have a dry erase board, on the fridge, and add items as they are used up or thought of. I then make my list from that.
ReplyDeleteWe also use a dry erase board to write down things as we run out. Then I add those items to my list when i make it from the sales ad.
ReplyDeleteShelley I totally agree with "I can make almost anything" and "It helps tremendously to curb expenses".
ReplyDeleteColorado Girl a lot of people use your method. Having my hhp open on my counter with my list right there saves me time so I dont have to write needed items out twice.
Precious If an item on your dry erase board isn't on sale that week, then do you still purchase it? Depending upon what it is (a staple) I will, but normally I put items on my list when I get down to the last few so I have time to catch it on sale and look out for a coupon. I'll highlight it on my list if I've messed up and I'm totally out.
I keep a magnetic list on the fridge and write down things as I run out. Anymore though, I just shop from the ads or coupons that are about to expire.