Apparently Price Chopper will be having a May Day Sale tomorrow. This page of the flyer was not included in the one that was mailed to my home or to my mother's. I called my store to see if they were participating and was told "Yes, for some reason they did not send us this page, but it is in the Democrat Missourian".
So if you shop Price Choppers in the Kansas City Metro Area, call your store to see if they are participating.
• KC Masterpiece [.69¢ w/ Rewards Card]
- 18-oz BBQ Sauce, Selected Varieties, LIMIT 2
• Price Chopper Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns LIMIT 2 [.49¢ 8-ct. w/ Rewards Card]
Center Aisles: Food and Beverages
• 7-Up or A&W 6-packs [$1.99 w/ Rewards Card]
- 1/2-Liter Bottles, Selected Varieties
Cold Deli
• Bar-S Franks 16-oz Selected Varieties [.69¢ w/ Rewards Card]
• Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin [$1.49 w/ Rewards Card]
- 6-pack, 19.5 - 24 oz., Selected Varieties
• Banquet Dinners Selected Varieties [.69¢ w/ Rewards Card]
- 5 - 10.5 oz., Selected Varieties, LIMIT 6
• Belfonte Ice Cream Assorted 56-oz. Varieites [$1.49 w/ Rewards Card]
• Pork Spareribs [.99¢ w/ Rewards Card]
- Frozen, Sold 2 slabs per CRY-O-VAC, LIMIT 2
• Tombstone Pizza 16 - 29.5-oz. [$1.99 w/ Rewards Card]
- Selected Varieties
• 12 oz. Dole Classic Salad Mix [.49¢ w/ Rewards Card, LIMIT 2]