Free Book Marks, Book Covers, Pencils, Kids' Activity Book and stickers from Texas Citrus.
Be one of the first 500 to submit your contact information to receive a complimentary Venus® Embrace™ Razor. This razor features five blades

that individually adjust as you shave so they maintain contact with skin at all times, even over awkward-to-reach areas like ankles, knees, and your bikini line!
Would you rather have the Schick Intuition? Then they offer that also...
Be one of the first 500 to submit your contact information to receive a complimentary Schick® Intuition Plus® Soothing Moisture Razor infused with Milk & Honey.

Intuition Plus is also available in Cucumber Melon scented Refreshing Moisture, Sensitive Care with Aloe and Vitamin E, and Advanced Moisture with Shea Butter.
Four FREE Beauty Products. 5 days only! Hurry .... before this freebie disappears.
Thank you Thank you Thank you for these free offers on Friday's you are just awesome!!!!