As usual, you will find nothing but fast, easy, and painless freebies to obtain here. When I say it's FREE, it's free.... no strings attached..... nothing to buy.
For all you organic loving people, here's a freebie for you. Sundance will send

you a free sample of their organic tea plus some other cool stuff. Go HERE, let them know your name, address and email and that's it!

you a free sample of their organic tea plus some other cool stuff. Go HERE, let them know your name, address and email and that's it!
For those of you who have a daughter, here's an offer for free samples of various products for her to try out. They are currently offering a free BeingGirl sample kit at their website. This kit includes two regular Tampax Pearl tampons,

one lite Tampax Pearl tampon, one Always Infinity feminine pad, two Always pantiliners, and one Always feminine wipe.

one lite Tampax Pearl tampon, one Always Infinity feminine pad, two Always pantiliners, and one Always feminine wipe.
Motts for Tots is offering a free Sippy cup, Bowl, lid, fork, spoon and a .75 printable coupon from Motts for tots!!!!!! Other than the basic mailing information they ask you three questions.

Thanks for the Motts for Tots link!