Check this one out, isn't it grand?
To enter, just head over to Sonya's site A Mom, Money & More, or click HERE! Hurry, though, because the contest ends August 4th.

A few okra, which was enough for me and hubby for dinner. My kiddos will not eat okra. Some tomatoes and TONS of gypsy peppers! I have one lone gypsy plant and have already harvested over 30 peppers off of it. I wanted to wait until they turned orange-red, but there are so many on the plant, the weight was making the plant lay over. So I had to pick again to give the plant some relief.
Green beans! Finally! Once we picked enough beans for the three of us I just had to see how the Yukon Gold potatoes were doing. These were found right at the top of the bed, barely covered with soil. I hope there are lots more down further! I also cooked the beans and potatoes for dinner and all I can say about these Yukon Gold potatoes is.... OMG! they are so creamy, buttery, rich. I added no seasoning to them other than a little S&P. We will definitely being planting more than 5 plants next year.
Cucumbers. Can anyone tell me why our cucumbers are turning yellow to almost white before getting very big at all? Then once picked they dont stay firm very long at all.
Jalapenos and MORE jalapenos. I've never been able to grow them well until this year. Last year was a pretty good year, but this year they are going nuts! They are so easy to freeze, so we will have them all through the winter and spring. I've been giving some of them away too.
With all those fresh tomatoes and jalapenos, I made hubby and I some Pico de Gallo. It's so quick and easy to make, I prefer making it to salsa.