My deals went like this:
Deal 1: 4 Pop Tarts (12 count boxes) $2.25 each=$9 minus $2 Target coupons and $2 manuf coupons = $5 OOP, received $5 gc back!
Deal 2: 4 Special K Bars $2.25 each=$9 minus 4 $1 off manuf coupons = $5 OOP, received $5 gc back!
Deal 3: 2 Keebler Fudge shop cookies $2.25 each, 2 Special K Bars $2.25 each=$9 minus 1 BOGO manuf coupon (2.25) and $1 manuf coupon = $5.75 OOP, received $5 gc back!
I'm down .75 on these 12 items. All was purchased on one receipt and I will submit this receipt for the $10 rebate from Kelloggs. So after it is all over with, I made $9.25 off this deal. That's assuming I actuallly receive the $10 rebate check. This will be my first rebate I've submitted for, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

That food is so full of junk, tho. No real deal to a human body.
ReplyDeletejannie thanks for coming out of the lurking closet. I love it when I get a new commenter.
ReplyDeleteI went to check your website out. I see you dont allow comments, why is that?
BTW, who said we had human bodies? lol
Great deal on price but I don't like their taste and they use alot of chemicals so not one of the products I typicaly buy. But it would make great donation item!
ReplyDeleteHello from New York. Wow! I can't believe that I am missing all these great deals. But while I am not shopping, I made a new discovery while I am here.......Curves. My cousin goes every morning at 5:30am - 6am before she goes to work. This looks like an exercise program that could really work for me when I get back to AZ especially since I can walk a 1/2 block to the one near me. I could use the strength training.