NEW YORK - A Wal-Mart worker has died after being trampled by a throng of unruly shoppers shortly after the Long Island store opened Friday, police said. Unconfirmed reports said a pregnant woman also miscarried as the crowd rushed in.
My heart goes out to their families and they are in my prayers.
For the full story see MSNBC
My love-hate relationship with CVS
Yesterday I started out with $6 in ECB. Here's what I did:
1 Hershey Bar .50 (had a crt machine coupon for 1 free bar, but I see that although she scanned it, it did not come off my bill!)
2 Altoids Orange (my fav) 3.00 minus 2 $1 coupons
1 Complete contact solution 8.99 minus $1 coupon (this is all they had)
1 Maybeline Mineral 8.99
2 2ltr Mt Dew 1.59
1 Folger Coffee 4.99
1 Severe Cold Tabs 4.49
minus $6 ecbs
OOP $24.95
ECB's earned back 8.99 for Complete, 8.99 for Maybeline Mineral and 2.00 on folgers.
I went today, store opened at 8am, at 11am there were no ear buds, remotes, cd players, schick trimmer razors, soleil razors, ...... I could go on and on. I'm so irritated! The sale is a 3 day sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. What good is it to have a sale for three days when they are out of the two items each in the first three hours? For this I hate CVS! Do all CVS stores stock like this? Only two or three of something they are going to run a sale on?
2 loreal color juice lippies 13.98
2 Sally Hnsn Max Growth Polish 7.58 minus 3.00 coupon
2 2ltr Mt Dew 1.59
minus ecb's from yesterday: 2.00, 8.99, & 8.99
OOP .23
earned ecbs 3.79, 13.98
1 colgate total 2.99 minus 1.50 coupon
1 covergirl powder 5.99 minus 1.00 coupon
1 covergirl foundation 7.99 minus 1.00 coupon
2 carmels .66
minus $13.98 ecb from loreal color juice lippies
OOP .16
earned ecb's 2.99, 5.99, & 7.99
2 aussie shampoos 5.98
1 playtex sport 3.99 minus 1.00 coupon
1 colgate advance 2.99 minus 1.00 coupon
minus ecb's 7.99 from covergirl foundation and 2.99 from colgate
OOP 00.00 They didnt even make me pay tax????? They've never done that before.
earned ecb's 2.99, 5.98, 3.00
1 schick qtro 7.99 minus $4.oo coupon ( I wanted the trimmer razor but they had none)
minus 3.00 ecb from playtex
OOP $1.06
earned 6.00 ecb
1 Norelco RA7110 Razor HALF PRICE $28.99 (for my hubby for Christmas cause he's the greatest guy in the world!)
minus ecb's: 2.99, 3.79, 5.98, 5.99, & 6.00
OOP $4.54
ecb's earned 00.00 I hope he likes it since I burned all my ecb's on it. BUT since they had nothing else in, and won't be getting anything else in before the sale is over, I said what they heck, he doesnt have one and a $60 razor for $30 is a good deal.
I'm too tired to take and post the pics tonite after helping my mother cook for 12 people. We had a wonderful time at mom's. My brother and his wife and kids showed up! I was so glad to see them and to know they are doing ok. My brother was laid off and it's not been easy for them with a 15 year old girl and a 16 year old boy. (who are spoiled ass rotten) We all were talking and from what I gathered from what the two kids would pipe up and say, they are adjusting to not getting everything they look at. My brother and her have been under so much stress, but they were in good spirits today and her and I talked about stockpiling, using coupons and shopping at CVS. She wants me to teach her how to get more for her money. They werent able to stay long because they had to go to her parents house so I'm thinking I will go up there in the next week or so and take her to CVS.
1 Hershey Bar .50 (had a crt machine coupon for 1 free bar, but I see that although she scanned it, it did not come off my bill!)
2 Altoids Orange (my fav) 3.00 minus 2 $1 coupons
1 Complete contact solution 8.99 minus $1 coupon (this is all they had)
1 Maybeline Mineral 8.99
2 2ltr Mt Dew 1.59
1 Folger Coffee 4.99
1 Severe Cold Tabs 4.49
minus $6 ecbs
OOP $24.95
ECB's earned back 8.99 for Complete, 8.99 for Maybeline Mineral and 2.00 on folgers.
I went today, store opened at 8am, at 11am there were no ear buds, remotes, cd players, schick trimmer razors, soleil razors, ...... I could go on and on. I'm so irritated! The sale is a 3 day sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. What good is it to have a sale for three days when they are out of the two items each in the first three hours? For this I hate CVS! Do all CVS stores stock like this? Only two or three of something they are going to run a sale on?
2 loreal color juice lippies 13.98
2 Sally Hnsn Max Growth Polish 7.58 minus 3.00 coupon
2 2ltr Mt Dew 1.59
minus ecb's from yesterday: 2.00, 8.99, & 8.99
OOP .23
earned ecbs 3.79, 13.98
1 colgate total 2.99 minus 1.50 coupon
1 covergirl powder 5.99 minus 1.00 coupon
1 covergirl foundation 7.99 minus 1.00 coupon
2 carmels .66
minus $13.98 ecb from loreal color juice lippies
OOP .16
earned ecb's 2.99, 5.99, & 7.99
2 aussie shampoos 5.98
1 playtex sport 3.99 minus 1.00 coupon
1 colgate advance 2.99 minus 1.00 coupon
minus ecb's 7.99 from covergirl foundation and 2.99 from colgate
OOP 00.00 They didnt even make me pay tax????? They've never done that before.
earned ecb's 2.99, 5.98, 3.00
1 schick qtro 7.99 minus $4.oo coupon ( I wanted the trimmer razor but they had none)
minus 3.00 ecb from playtex
OOP $1.06
earned 6.00 ecb
1 Norelco RA7110 Razor HALF PRICE $28.99 (for my hubby for Christmas cause he's the greatest guy in the world!)
minus ecb's: 2.99, 3.79, 5.98, 5.99, & 6.00
OOP $4.54
ecb's earned 00.00 I hope he likes it since I burned all my ecb's on it. BUT since they had nothing else in, and won't be getting anything else in before the sale is over, I said what they heck, he doesnt have one and a $60 razor for $30 is a good deal.
I'm too tired to take and post the pics tonite after helping my mother cook for 12 people. We had a wonderful time at mom's. My brother and his wife and kids showed up! I was so glad to see them and to know they are doing ok. My brother was laid off and it's not been easy for them with a 15 year old girl and a 16 year old boy. (who are spoiled ass rotten) We all were talking and from what I gathered from what the two kids would pipe up and say, they are adjusting to not getting everything they look at. My brother and her have been under so much stress, but they were in good spirits today and her and I talked about stockpiling, using coupons and shopping at CVS. She wants me to teach her how to get more for her money. They werent able to stay long because they had to go to her parents house so I'm thinking I will go up there in the next week or so and take her to CVS.
Xerox is doing something cool... FREE
If you go to this web site, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.
How AMAZING would it be if we could get everyone we know to take 10 seconds and send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a moment of your time. How wonderful for the soldiers who will receive these to know we are thinking about them.
Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them. This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.
Please take the time and pass this on to others through your blog, websites, facebooks, emails, etc. We can never say enough thank you's. Thank you for taking the time to support our military!
How AMAZING would it be if we could get everyone we know to take 10 seconds and send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a moment of your time. How wonderful for the soldiers who will receive these to know we are thinking about them.
Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them. This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.
Please take the time and pass this on to others through your blog, websites, facebooks, emails, etc. We can never say enough thank you's. Thank you for taking the time to support our military!
Kool-Aid Jelly
Today I made two batches of Kool-Aid jelly. One batch of grape and one batch of strawberry. I used two different recipes because I had two different kinds of pectin. I had both liquid pectin and a box of the powder. The liquid pectin recipe made 7 half pints and the powder pectin made five half pints.

It looks really pretty, but I have my doubts whether it will set up properly or not. I'll report back on that tommorow.
I also wanted to start making Christmas cookie dough to freeze until closer to the holidays, but by the time I got everything together to make the jelly, realized I had every size of canning jars BUT jelly jars and had to make a run to buy some, got my oil changed in my car, returned my mother's shampooer, it is now time to prepare supper.
I hate when I have my day all planned out and I dont get everything accomplished! Now I feel uneasy and like I am behind schedule. I feel like I'm always behind and there's never enough hours in the day!
update: The strawberry jelly set up. Pretty soft set, but the directions say to decrease water by 2 tablespoons for a firmer set. The grape jelly that used the recipe with liquid pectin is still syrup. I had read that the new rule was to process in water bath for 10 minutes. The grape I processed 10 minutes, but the strawberry I only processed 5. I just pulled the directions out for the liquid pectin and they still state to process 5 minutes. I'm assuming this is why it did not set up. I will try it again with liquid pectin, processing only 5 minutes and see what happens.

It looks really pretty, but I have my doubts whether it will set up properly or not. I'll report back on that tommorow.
I also wanted to start making Christmas cookie dough to freeze until closer to the holidays, but by the time I got everything together to make the jelly, realized I had every size of canning jars BUT jelly jars and had to make a run to buy some, got my oil changed in my car, returned my mother's shampooer, it is now time to prepare supper.
I hate when I have my day all planned out and I dont get everything accomplished! Now I feel uneasy and like I am behind schedule. I feel like I'm always behind and there's never enough hours in the day!
update: The strawberry jelly set up. Pretty soft set, but the directions say to decrease water by 2 tablespoons for a firmer set. The grape jelly that used the recipe with liquid pectin is still syrup. I had read that the new rule was to process in water bath for 10 minutes. The grape I processed 10 minutes, but the strawberry I only processed 5. I just pulled the directions out for the liquid pectin and they still state to process 5 minutes. I'm assuming this is why it did not set up. I will try it again with liquid pectin, processing only 5 minutes and see what happens.
The Mother Letter Project
I was doing some blog-hopping this morning and hopped over to Rocks In My Dryer. I try to visit her blog at least once a week to catch up on all her great posts.
There are so many people trying to find new, different, frugal ways to make Christmas special this year without adding to their current debt.
Today she has a great post telling us about the Mother Letter Project. A man who has requested all mothers to write a letter to his wife encouraging her in her mothering journey.
If you'd like to participate in the Mother Letter Project, you can read the full instructions here. Write her a letter. It doesnt have to be elaborate or long and encourage another mom. If you have a blog, consider posting about this project to spread the word. Let's help Danny make this a wonderful gift for his wife.
There are so many people trying to find new, different, frugal ways to make Christmas special this year without adding to their current debt.
Today she has a great post telling us about the Mother Letter Project. A man who has requested all mothers to write a letter to his wife encouraging her in her mothering journey.
If you'd like to participate in the Mother Letter Project, you can read the full instructions here. Write her a letter. It doesnt have to be elaborate or long and encourage another mom. If you have a blog, consider posting about this project to spread the word. Let's help Danny make this a wonderful gift for his wife.
Friday Freebies
Kitchen Basics is giving away their 6th edition recipe booklet. COOKING WITH STOCK
Try the new Dove Cream Oil Intensive Body Lotion for Dry Skin.
Try Jessica Simpson's new fragrance, Fancy before you shell out all those hard earned dollars only to find you dont like it.
Walmart is giving away free Glad NEW Freezer Bags. Check it out to see what they've improved!
Due to the holiday coming up, there will be no Friday Freebies next week.
Try the new Dove Cream Oil Intensive Body Lotion for Dry Skin.
Try Jessica Simpson's new fragrance, Fancy before you shell out all those hard earned dollars only to find you dont like it.
Walmart is giving away free Glad NEW Freezer Bags. Check it out to see what they've improved!
Due to the holiday coming up, there will be no Friday Freebies next week.
Santa Fe Soup
A friend I work with made this last winter and brought it in to the office for everyone's lunch. During the winter we take turns bringing in a crockpot meal and share it. It can be done differently each time depending upon what beans or meat you have on hand but this recipe is the original and how it's suppose to be.
2 cans white shoepeg corn drained
2 cans black beans drained
1 can kidney beans drained
1 can light red beans drained
1 can dark red beans drained
1 can pinto beans drained
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can tomatoe sauce
1 can Rotel
2 pks dry ranch dressing seasoning
3 pks dry taco seasoning
1 small onion
1 lb hamburger or ground turkey
1 lb sausage
brown meat, chop onion, combine all ingredients and simmer for at least one hour.
Suggested toppings: sharp shredded cheese, sour cream, chives, or fritos
This makes a large pot and can be divided into at least 2 meals for my family, with one being thrown in the freezer for a later easy dinner night!
I like placing a few fritos in bottom of bowl, spoon soup in, and top with a dallop of sour cream and shredded cheese!
The next time I make this I'll take a pic and post it.
For more recipes check out recipe swap over at The Grocery Cart Challenge!
2 cans white shoepeg corn drained
2 cans black beans drained
1 can kidney beans drained
1 can light red beans drained
1 can dark red beans drained
1 can pinto beans drained
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can tomatoe sauce
1 can Rotel
2 pks dry ranch dressing seasoning
3 pks dry taco seasoning
1 small onion
1 lb hamburger or ground turkey
1 lb sausage
brown meat, chop onion, combine all ingredients and simmer for at least one hour.
Suggested toppings: sharp shredded cheese, sour cream, chives, or fritos
This makes a large pot and can be divided into at least 2 meals for my family, with one being thrown in the freezer for a later easy dinner night!
I like placing a few fritos in bottom of bowl, spoon soup in, and top with a dallop of sour cream and shredded cheese!
The next time I make this I'll take a pic and post it.
For more recipes check out recipe swap over at The Grocery Cart Challenge!
Oscar Mayer Fully Cooked Bacon MBG
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Up to $5 with UPC and datd receipt. Limit 1 per household. Expires 3/31/09.
The form is printed on the inside of the box. Send 1 UPC, orginal store identified cash register receipt dated between 3/1/08 and 3/31/09 and this original, hand printed, completed rebate form (no photocopies).
At the bottom is says: We think Oscar Mayer Fully cooked bacon tastes great! If you disagree, please tell us why below.
The form is printed on the inside of the box. Send 1 UPC, orginal store identified cash register receipt dated between 3/1/08 and 3/31/09 and this original, hand printed, completed rebate form (no photocopies).
At the bottom is says: We think Oscar Mayer Fully cooked bacon tastes great! If you disagree, please tell us why below.
Southern Smothered Cube Steak
4 cube steaks
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 cup flour
1/2 cup oil
2 cups water
1 beef bouillon cube
1 yellow onion, sliced rings
In small bowl mix 4 seasonings. Sprinkle front and back side of each steak piece and rub into steak well.
Heat oil to medium high in skillet.
Dredge each steak in flour very well, pat that flour in!
Brown each side 1 minute and then turn heat down to medium, continue frying steaks 4-5 minutes on each side. Drain on a separate plate.
Remove all but 3-4 Tbs of oil, saute onion rings. Remove onions to plate with steak.
Turn heat on oil up to medium high, add 3 Tbs flour, whisking until well mixed and roux browns well.
Add water and dissolved bouillon cube and remaining seasoning mix to roux. Mix until gravy begins to thicken slightly. Replace steak back into gravy and spread onion rings over the tops.
Cover and simmer 30-40 minutes.
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 cup flour
1/2 cup oil
2 cups water
1 beef bouillon cube
1 yellow onion, sliced rings
In small bowl mix 4 seasonings. Sprinkle front and back side of each steak piece and rub into steak well.
Heat oil to medium high in skillet.
Dredge each steak in flour very well, pat that flour in!
Brown each side 1 minute and then turn heat down to medium, continue frying steaks 4-5 minutes on each side. Drain on a separate plate.
Remove all but 3-4 Tbs of oil, saute onion rings. Remove onions to plate with steak.
Turn heat on oil up to medium high, add 3 Tbs flour, whisking until well mixed and roux browns well.
Add water and dissolved bouillon cube and remaining seasoning mix to roux. Mix until gravy begins to thicken slightly. Replace steak back into gravy and spread onion rings over the tops.
Cover and simmer 30-40 minutes.
Barter A Paper Clip For A SUV, is it possible?
Barter is the process of trading products, goods or services, for other products, goods or services in which no money is exchanged.
So do you think it's possible to barter a Golden Paperclip from Donald Trump for a 5 passenger SUV?
Jason is well on his way to accomplishing this. He has traded up to a canoe, mini bike, go kart... See how he has done so far. A "Monster Trade" goes down today at 12pm central standard time. What will be Golden Paperclip Trade #5? The computers are gone, find out what they went for this afternoon.
Jason's Golden Paperclip
So do you think it's possible to barter a Golden Paperclip from Donald Trump for a 5 passenger SUV?
Jason is well on his way to accomplishing this. He has traded up to a canoe, mini bike, go kart... See how he has done so far. A "Monster Trade" goes down today at 12pm central standard time. What will be Golden Paperclip Trade #5? The computers are gone, find out what they went for this afternoon.
Jason's Golden Paperclip
Mom, What's For Dinner? .... $4 Hash
When I was a little girl, my mother always fixed hash. It was one of my favorite meals. So I called her up and asked "Mom, how do you make your hash?" I knew she used left over roast beef. She started to tell me how she boiled her potatoes with onion.... "But mom, my potatoes are already cooked. I cooked them with my roast" She told me she wasnt sure because she always cooked her potatoes fresh, she never had left over potatoes. The only thing she used left over was the roast and gravy. "Gravy? You used left over gravy? I thought you made a roux?" So to make a long phone conversation short and not bore you, here's what I came up with.
I bought a large roast and cooked it in the crockpot with potatoes and carrots Friday. Saturday we had leftovers for lunch. Today, I still had 1/3 of the roast and several potatoes left and decided to make hash since my husband and son have never ate it. Here's how I made it:
3-4 cups of broth (I cook my roast with 1 package of Lipton Onion soup mix and 2 beef boullion cubes) FREE
4-6 potatoes (of course, mine were already quartered and cooked. I just heated them up in the microwave) 1.00
1- 1 1/2 lbs left over roast, cubed & heated in microwave 2.00
2 envelopes brown gravy mix 1.00
Combine broth and gravy mix together and bring to a boil. Add potatoes and roast. Simmer until all is thoroughly hot. Do not stir, or roast beef will fall apart. Serve over bread.
I bought a large roast and cooked it in the crockpot with potatoes and carrots Friday. Saturday we had leftovers for lunch. Today, I still had 1/3 of the roast and several potatoes left and decided to make hash since my husband and son have never ate it. Here's how I made it:
3-4 cups of broth (I cook my roast with 1 package of Lipton Onion soup mix and 2 beef boullion cubes) FREE
4-6 potatoes (of course, mine were already quartered and cooked. I just heated them up in the microwave) 1.00
1- 1 1/2 lbs left over roast, cubed & heated in microwave 2.00
2 envelopes brown gravy mix 1.00
Combine broth and gravy mix together and bring to a boil. Add potatoes and roast. Simmer until all is thoroughly hot. Do not stir, or roast beef will fall apart. Serve over bread.

The Top Three Lists of Printable Coupons
The best place to print online coupons is In one place you can print off coupons from, and the Singles list.
Most of you have already heard of (List A) and (List B), but the Singles list is a great list of manufacturer printable coupons. One stop printing from GrocerySmarts makes it so easy!
Here's what GrocerySmarts has to say about the cycling of the lists of coupons:
Did you know?
-The best printable coupons from Group A are found at the beginning of each month. Manufacturers set an "Allowance" (Nationally) for each printable coupon.
For example: 50,000 prints total. Once they hit the allowance, they yank the coupon. Some coupons are so good that they can hit the allowance in a day or 2! That's why the beginning of each month has more printable coupons than the end of the month. So printing some of the "really good" coupons when you see them at the beginning of the month might not be such a bad idea.
Your personal print limit is almost always 2 per coupon, per month. It "re-sets" at the beginning of the next month. Many of the "Allowance" coupons can re-appear, but some will be gone forever.
Also, if a "1.00 off 1" coupon appears in Group A, and you see an Identical coupon on It's the same coupon and your print limit is 2 total, not 2 from each site. The print software you installed tracks that for them!
However, if the Group A coupon is "1.00 off 1" and the coupon is ".75 off 1": It's 2 different coupons and you'll be able to print 2 of each.
Most of you have already heard of (List A) and (List B), but the Singles list is a great list of manufacturer printable coupons. One stop printing from GrocerySmarts makes it so easy!
Here's what GrocerySmarts has to say about the cycling of the lists of coupons:
Did you know?
-The best printable coupons from Group A are found at the beginning of each month. Manufacturers set an "Allowance" (Nationally) for each printable coupon.
For example: 50,000 prints total. Once they hit the allowance, they yank the coupon. Some coupons are so good that they can hit the allowance in a day or 2! That's why the beginning of each month has more printable coupons than the end of the month. So printing some of the "really good" coupons when you see them at the beginning of the month might not be such a bad idea.
Your personal print limit is almost always 2 per coupon, per month. It "re-sets" at the beginning of the next month. Many of the "Allowance" coupons can re-appear, but some will be gone forever.
Also, if a "1.00 off 1" coupon appears in Group A, and you see an Identical coupon on It's the same coupon and your print limit is 2 total, not 2 from each site. The print software you installed tracks that for them!
However, if the Group A coupon is "1.00 off 1" and the coupon is ".75 off 1": It's 2 different coupons and you'll be able to print 2 of each.
Friday Freebies
With all the free fem products really cheap at CVS and free from Wal-Mart, it leaves me more money for other things! Here's what Wal-Mart is sending out this week:
Always Infinity
Stayfree & Carefree
Playtex Sport
Still working on those stocking stuffers! Here's some to fill your furbabies stockings!
How about a coupon for a FREE bag of Nutro Natural Choice Dog or Cat Food? You will receive an email asking you to confirm your request.
Free sample of Doggy Delightz dog treats Hurry, their offer is never up long!
Free samples from Healthy Animal Diet. You can get cat or dog or a combo of both. They will send 1/4 cup of the Life’s Abundance Pet Food of your choice (1/4 cup of each if you choose the combo), One healthy treat, and One pet supplement. Please check your e-mail for a confirmation message and click the link in the message.
And of course it wouldnt be Friday Freebies around here if we didnt have a re-usable shopping bag or tote to offer! hehe Just call me the bag lady... everyone at work does.
Free Cool looking Water bottle or you can choose a Tote Bag! The stainless steel water bottles are 33 ounces and eco-friendly, while the recycled tote bags are made with Organic Cotton!
Here's a sample I will put in my sis' tea themed gift basket I'm making.
NutraSweet 9pk. There's regular, saccharine free, and one with cane sugar.
Be sure to select at the bottom right where it says "I would participate in NutraSweet's online "Product Advisors" group."
And I think I will drop this in my oldest son's stocking. He's always needing a knife to open movies, cd's and playstation games.
Do you know safecutters? Take a short survey (and I mean short!) and they will send you a free klever kutter knife!
Christmas is closing in! Black Friday is coming up, are you getting geared up? I'm going to be taking stock of exactly what I have for my gift baskets and what I still need. Have you run across any other great freebies? Leave me a comment letting me know anything interesting.
Always Infinity
Stayfree & Carefree
Playtex Sport
Still working on those stocking stuffers! Here's some to fill your furbabies stockings!
How about a coupon for a FREE bag of Nutro Natural Choice Dog or Cat Food? You will receive an email asking you to confirm your request.
Free sample of Doggy Delightz dog treats Hurry, their offer is never up long!
Free samples from Healthy Animal Diet. You can get cat or dog or a combo of both. They will send 1/4 cup of the Life’s Abundance Pet Food of your choice (1/4 cup of each if you choose the combo), One healthy treat, and One pet supplement. Please check your e-mail for a confirmation message and click the link in the message.
And of course it wouldnt be Friday Freebies around here if we didnt have a re-usable shopping bag or tote to offer! hehe Just call me the bag lady... everyone at work does.
Free Cool looking Water bottle or you can choose a Tote Bag! The stainless steel water bottles are 33 ounces and eco-friendly, while the recycled tote bags are made with Organic Cotton!
Here's a sample I will put in my sis' tea themed gift basket I'm making.
NutraSweet 9pk. There's regular, saccharine free, and one with cane sugar.
Be sure to select at the bottom right where it says "I would participate in NutraSweet's online "Product Advisors" group."
And I think I will drop this in my oldest son's stocking. He's always needing a knife to open movies, cd's and playstation games.
Do you know safecutters? Take a short survey (and I mean short!) and they will send you a free klever kutter knife!
Christmas is closing in! Black Friday is coming up, are you getting geared up? I'm going to be taking stock of exactly what I have for my gift baskets and what I still need. Have you run across any other great freebies? Leave me a comment letting me know anything interesting.
How do you organize your coupons?

I've struggled with finding a system for organizing coupons that I like and that is quick and easy.
I've went from the plastic coupon organizers ($1 each) to a recipe file box ($2 each)to a zippered binder system, which was considerably more expensive. I paid approximately $25 for the binder, baseball pages and dividers.
I've tried filing the inserts by date and only clipping the coupons when needed. For me, that was VERY time consuming. Say I'm going to the store and need coupons for 6 different items. You pull the insert(s), thumb through them, clip the coupons, and REFILE the whole insert. When you have 4-10 inserts of the same week, think about how much time I spent clipping each individual coupon out, and then refiling inserts that I would be pulling again when needed. Too much time for me.
On the binder system I found the baseball card pages difficult and time consuming to fold coupons to fit. I put off filing my clipped coupons in the binder because of how much time it consumed getting them filed. Then I was always searching for a coupon.
I've now went to a photo box with A-Z divider cards. The cost was less than $8 at Walmart. 4"x6" Photo Storage Box was $2.77 and 1 set 4"x6" A-Z dividers was $3.99. Filing is so much quicker for me.
The time of actually clipping the coupons is the same no matter what system you use if you stack your insert pages or make monster inserts. Check out the tutorial by Erica from i heart cvs.
To clip coupons, I stack my inserts, staple and use a rotary cutter to cut them. For me this seems to go a whole lot quicker than cutting out each individual coupon from each insert. Erica at i heart cvs has wrote a wonderful piece on how to stack inserts into monster inserts. She has great photos also. Be sure to read her article. She supports the 'file the whole insert' method in the end.
I want to know what type of system you use. Are you happy with it? Would you like to go to a zippered binder but have been putting it off due to the cost? If so, check out Mrs A's Coupon Organizer. IF, I were to decide to go to a binder system again, I would order my pocket pages from her. I've never seen pocket pages like hers.
Other bloggers' coupon systems:
The Homespun Heart: Saving in Style
Laura Williams Musings: How To Make A Coupon Binder
Broccoli Alia Olia

1 pound angel hair pasta
1 1/2 pound broccoli
3 cups chicken stock
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup butter
6 cloves garlic
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
salt to taste
Put stock pot of water on to boil. In skillet add olive oil, butter and garlic. Saute garlic until it just begins to simmer, then add chicken stock and red pepper along with the diced up small broccoli stems. Cook for 12 minutes. Add stock or water as needed to retain 3 cup level.
Water should be boiling, add pasta. While pasta cooks for the length of time package recommends MINUS one minute, throw broccoli tops into chicken stock and cook 3 minutes. Drain pasta and add broccoli and stock to angel hair. sprinkle grated parmesan cheese on, stir and cover for one minute. Serve
Thanks to Chef John for the recipe and instructional videos.
In Memory of Cara Roberts
Tonight we attended Cara's family visitation. I've known Cara since she was a little girl, having worked for her mother, been business associated with her father, and my hubby is a friend of her husband. She was a fun loving, vibrant young mother who was liked by everyone. I just cant believe her life was cut so short. She was only 30 years old.
The police are working hard to solve the case and are asking for any tips, no matter how insignificant they may seem. I hope they are able to solve who did this and soon. Cara needs justice.
The police are asking for an anonymous tipster to call them back. If you have any information on the murder, call the TIPS Hotline at (816) 474-TIPS
The police are working hard to solve the case and are asking for any tips, no matter how insignificant they may seem. I hope they are able to solve who did this and soon. Cara needs justice.
The police are asking for an anonymous tipster to call them back. If you have any information on the murder, call the TIPS Hotline at (816) 474-TIPS
Finding a Positive Attitude-Secret to Happiness
Three years ago I found myself to be a very unhappy person. I wont go into all the details, but I was reading one day and came across this "recipe". I read it and reread it. I wanted to be happy and was tired of having a bad attitude about everything everyday. I cut it out and hung it on my refrigerator. I made sure I read it daily and asked myself "Today did I" and then went down the list. It didnt make my problems go away, but it gave me a new perspective of them. I reread it often when I catch myself having a bad attitude and not thinking positive.
There is someone I know that is very negative right now about everything. I hope they will see this, read it, print it out and hang it somewhere where they will see it and read it daily. I hope it will help that someone who is struggling day to day.
Secret to Happiness
The secret to happiness and well-being is no mystery. All it takes is the ability to do the following:
Admit errors.
Avoid mistakes.
Listen to advice.
Keep your temper.
Shoulder the blame.
Make the best of things.
Maintain high standards.
Think first and act accordingly.
Put the needs of others before your own.
Seems like a tall order? Then try slipping as many of these "secrets to happiness" into your day as possible. You'll soon be rewarded with a more positive outlook on life.
There is someone I know that is very negative right now about everything. I hope they will see this, read it, print it out and hang it somewhere where they will see it and read it daily. I hope it will help that someone who is struggling day to day.
Secret to Happiness
The secret to happiness and well-being is no mystery. All it takes is the ability to do the following:
Admit errors.
Avoid mistakes.
Listen to advice.
Keep your temper.
Shoulder the blame.
Make the best of things.
Maintain high standards.
Think first and act accordingly.
Put the needs of others before your own.
Seems like a tall order? Then try slipping as many of these "secrets to happiness" into your day as possible. You'll soon be rewarded with a more positive outlook on life.
Saturday Cake Mix Special-Pumpkin Spice Cake
1 (2 layer size) yellow cake mix
1 (4 serving size) jello vanilla flavor instant pudding
1 cup mashed cooked fresh pumpkin
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup water
3 eggs
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Beat first 7 ingredients on low until moistened. Beat on medium for 4 minutes.
Pour into greased and floured 13x9 baking pan.
Bake 32-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool cake in pan on wire rack.
Frost with cream cheese frosting. Sprinkle top with peacans.
Store cake in refrigerator.
Cream Cheese Frosting
8 oz softened cream cheese
2/3 cup softened butter
2 tablespoons bourbon or milk
8 cups of powdered sugar
Beat on medium for 30 seconds the cream cheese and butter. Add bourbon/milk, beat until combined. Beat in powdered sugar, 1/2 cup at a time until smooth and good spreading consistency.
1 (4 serving size) jello vanilla flavor instant pudding
1 cup mashed cooked fresh pumpkin
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup water
3 eggs
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Beat first 7 ingredients on low until moistened. Beat on medium for 4 minutes.
Pour into greased and floured 13x9 baking pan.
Bake 32-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool cake in pan on wire rack.
Frost with cream cheese frosting. Sprinkle top with peacans.
Store cake in refrigerator.
Cream Cheese Frosting
8 oz softened cream cheese
2/3 cup softened butter
2 tablespoons bourbon or milk
8 cups of powdered sugar
Beat on medium for 30 seconds the cream cheese and butter. Add bourbon/milk, beat until combined. Beat in powdered sugar, 1/2 cup at a time until smooth and good spreading consistency.
Friday Freebies
Wal-Mart has a secret! What new beauty secret had 70% of salon brand users agreeing that their brand didnt beat it? We'll find out November 24, but you need to get signed up for the free sample today! Wal-Mart's secret to great hair
Wal-Mart is also offering free glad storage bags.
Orville Redenbacher has a new popcorn out! Lime & Salt
I have looked high and low, in 4 different stores for the new Pedigree Good Bites Snacks for my poodles. My Wal-Mart doesnt have them yet, but I just signed up to get a free sample of them. Now at least I will know if my pups will even like them. Get your free sample here!
If you have not signed up to be a VocalPoint member, what are you waiting for? It's free and they send you a lot of samples (some full size) and coupons. I received a Gillette Venus Breeze razor with several WONDERFUL coupons just last week from them.
Wal-Mart is also offering free glad storage bags.
Orville Redenbacher has a new popcorn out! Lime & Salt
I have looked high and low, in 4 different stores for the new Pedigree Good Bites Snacks for my poodles. My Wal-Mart doesnt have them yet, but I just signed up to get a free sample of them. Now at least I will know if my pups will even like them. Get your free sample here!
If you have not signed up to be a VocalPoint member, what are you waiting for? It's free and they send you a lot of samples (some full size) and coupons. I received a Gillette Venus Breeze razor with several WONDERFUL coupons just last week from them.
Sue's Famous Chicken & Rice Casserole

This recipe has been a part of my meal plans for over 12 years. A woman I worked with gave me the recipe and my picky eaters has always loved it. I did my best on the photo, it's not easy photographing food! Maybe my pics will come out better when I get a better quality camera.
6-8 chicken breast (Sue always used bone in, my family waste too much because they are so huge, so I use boneless/skinless)
2 cups minute rice
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of celery soup
1 can cream chicken soup
2 cans of milk
4 tablespoons butter
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Dump rice into 9x13 pan. In a bowl, mix the three soups and 2 cans of milk until smooth, dump on top of rice. Place chicken on top of soup. Slice butter into several pats and place on chicken. Bake until chicken is done. (bone in: approx. 1 1/2 hours boneless: approx 45 min to 1 hour)
Hy-Vee Deal Alert
A friend emailed me this Hy-Vee deal. THANKS!

Buy 10 Pillsbury Cake Mixes .88 each, total $8.80
Use the coupon found in their flyer, minus $5.00
Total after coupon $3.80 for 10 cake mixes! .38 a piece!
Now my question is this, is there any current manufacturer coupons out there? And if so, are you allowed to use them (stack them) with this Hy-Vee coupon to make this deal even sweeter?
Come out of lurking and talk to me.
edited: I took advantage of this deal and was glad I did. The mixes rang up for $1.67 not .88. After the manager came to override the price and gave me a discount for their error the clerk handed me .63! Those cake mixes were a money maker for me today!

Buy 10 Pillsbury Cake Mixes .88 each, total $8.80
Use the coupon found in their flyer, minus $5.00
Total after coupon $3.80 for 10 cake mixes! .38 a piece!
Now my question is this, is there any current manufacturer coupons out there? And if so, are you allowed to use them (stack them) with this Hy-Vee coupon to make this deal even sweeter?
Come out of lurking and talk to me.
edited: I took advantage of this deal and was glad I did. The mixes rang up for $1.67 not .88. After the manager came to override the price and gave me a discount for their error the clerk handed me .63! Those cake mixes were a money maker for me today!
Sure With Natural Extracts

Try Sure with Natural Extracts FREE! Up to $2.99 back. Must be purchased between 7/15/08 and 12/31/08. Postmarked by January 31, 2009
You can print off a $1 coupon here!
Quilted Northern Money Back Guarantee

Take the Plush Comfort Challenge! If you are not satisfied, they'll give you your money back!
Purchases must be made 9/15/08-12/31/08. Must be postmarked January 9, 2009.
For all the details visit Quilted Northern Comfort Challenge.
Excedrin Express Gels Rebate

Buy Excedrin Express Gels between 10/19/08 and 12/31/08 and receive up to $6.99 back.
Must be postmarked by 12/31/08.
Rebate form can be found in the 10/19 SmartSource insert along with $2.00 off coupon or you can go here for a Printable $2.00 off coupon

Purchase any Sucrets product between August 1, 2008 through January 3, 2009 and receive $2.00. Must be postmarked by January 31, 2009. You can download the Sucrets form here.
Mom, What's For Dinner?

If you've got 15 minutes, you've got dinner! 5 different dinners. Dress up that mac & cheese. Some call it Semi-homemade, I call it EASY!
Prepare 1 box of Macaroni & Cheese. Choose your add ins!
1 cup meat.....1 cup Vegetables............Extras
grnd beef.......stewd tomatoes........1 t. chili powder
chicken.............broccoli.....................2 t. mustard pepper.........1/4 c. Miracle Whip
tuna..................peas...........1/4 t. Italian Seasoning
grnd beef........peas & carrots...........1/8 t. pepper
Progresso Taste Challenge

Progresso Soup is offering a Taste Guarantee. Buy a can, taste it, love it, or your money back.
Purchases must be made 10/10/08-03/31/09 and postmarked by 03/31/09.
Get your Official Taste Guarantee Refund Form here.
There are several printable coupons out there also.
$1.10 off 1 #1
$1.10 off 1 #2
.50 off 1 light variety
You can also find coupons in the 10/5/08 Smart Source #3 insert.
Pert Shampoo and Sure Deo Printable Coupons
I stumbled on these printable coupons tonight and wanted to share with you.
$1 off Pert Shampoo or $1 off Sure Deo.
$1 off Pert Shampoo or $1 off Sure Deo.
Let's talk about Rebates...

How can merchants offer items for free after rebates and not loose their butts?
Because many people will buy the product with the intention of sending in the rebate, but then don't.
Always remember to follow the directions carefully and send in the rebate form on time, so you get your rebate. Let other people who forget to send in the forms cover the merchant's costs, while you get all your stuff for free after rebate!
Free After Rebate Tips:
1. Follow the directions exactly and send in the rebate on time. If you don't bother to send in the rebate, then in the end it wasn't a good deal.
2. Make photocopies of UPCs and rebate forms. That way you have a record in case you have any problems.
3. Keep a calendar marked when a rebate is due. Follow up with the rebate service if you do not receive the rebate in the expected time frame.
4. Keep them organized in case there is a problem so you wont waste your valuable time looking for information.
Living Easy will be adding rebates on a continuous basis. Let me know if you find out about a rebate that needs to be added here for us. Let me know where the form was or can be found.
Also if there is a rebate that you would like to do but dont have a form, let me know. I will do my best to find it and get you one sent off in the mail.
Rebates, Freebates, Ebates, Try Me Free, & Money Back Guarantees
It's all FREE money! I love FREE money! You will be seeing a lot of posts popping up as I add all the current rebates, freebates, ebates, try me free's & money back guarantees I can find. I want to keep them all organized and in one place to make it easy for you and I to find the information. If you run across news of a rebate, freebatae, try me free, etc. let me know and I will post it here for us.
I've labeled them all under rebates and their respective expiration month. So if a rebate expires in Dec it's label will be rebats_dec.
Let's all get those rebates filled out, mailed off and rolling in!
I've labeled them all under rebates and their respective expiration month. So if a rebate expires in Dec it's label will be rebats_dec.
Let's all get those rebates filled out, mailed off and rolling in!
Theraflu Warming Relief
Kellogg's FMW or SS Cereal

Kellogg's is offering a Try Me Free rebate on their Frosted Mini Wheats Blueberry Muffin or Smart Start Strawberry Oats Bites cereal!
Offer expires 7/31/09 and must be postmarked by the same.
You can get the Kelloggs Rebate form here or some of the boxes have the form printed right inside.
Chapstick True Shimmer or Naturals Rebate
Swiffer Money Back Guarantee

Swiffer is offering a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied for any reason with their sweeper, vac, wetjet and dusters.
Swiffer MBG Form
You must request your money back within 30 days of purchase. Expires 6/30/09
Reminder: Daylight Savings Ends
Arm & Hammer Essentials Rebate
Have you tried any of the new Arm & Hammer Essentials? I purchased the multi-surface and the cleaner and degreaser. I really liked them both. The cleaner & degreaser did a wonderful job on my stove and exhaust fan.
You can try it for FREE too. Arm & Hammer is offering a "Try Me Free" rebate, up to $3.50 back.

You can print the form off here, if you did not receive one in your coupon inserts a couple weeks ago.
Your receipt must be dated between 8/05/08 and 11/15/08. The form must be postmarked by 11/30/08.
You can try it for FREE too. Arm & Hammer is offering a "Try Me Free" rebate, up to $3.50 back.

You can print the form off here, if you did not receive one in your coupon inserts a couple weeks ago.
Your receipt must be dated between 8/05/08 and 11/15/08. The form must be postmarked by 11/30/08.
Saturday Cake Mix Special- Candy Cookies
This is a great way to use up all the Halloween candy you may have left, or that your children have brought home. Butterfingers, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Hersheys, Milkey Ways and Snickers make these cookies ahhhh sooooo yummmy!
1 yellow or chocolate cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 large or 4-6 small candy bars
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix together cake mix, eggs, and oil until completely dissolved and a dough.
Chop candy into tiny pieces and mix into dough. Drop dough in smalls balls onto greased cookie sheet.
Bake 10-12 minutes until lightly brown. Do not overbake. Remove from pan and cool.
I found another cake recipe that sounds great and wanted to make sure you all knew about. It's Depression Cake and the recipe can be found over at The Grocery Cart Challenge, one of my favorite places to go and visit. Gayle has so many great recipes and ideas. Thanks Gayle! Be sure to let her know I sent you over there!
1 yellow or chocolate cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 large or 4-6 small candy bars
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix together cake mix, eggs, and oil until completely dissolved and a dough.
Chop candy into tiny pieces and mix into dough. Drop dough in smalls balls onto greased cookie sheet.

Bake 10-12 minutes until lightly brown. Do not overbake. Remove from pan and cool.
I found another cake recipe that sounds great and wanted to make sure you all knew about. It's Depression Cake and the recipe can be found over at The Grocery Cart Challenge, one of my favorite places to go and visit. Gayle has so many great recipes and ideas. Thanks Gayle! Be sure to let her know I sent you over there!
Free Printable Letters From Santa
Every year my boys looked forward to their letters from Santa. I also always arranged for them to receive phone calls from an uncle of mine that they did not see or talk to very often. I have so many memories of the look on their faces when they would be listening to him intently, clinging to every word he said, and then he would say something that they would wonder "How'd he know that?" I hold those memories close to my heart now that they are both at the age they both know their daddy and I's secret.

Santa printables has 16 printable letters from Santa Claus ready to instantly download and print. There is a letter for Baby's First Christmas, to a child with no chimney, an older child who might not believe, and even a joking one to that special grownup in your life! These are a great gift idea for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and more.
Make some FREE memories this year and get that printer to printing!

Santa printables has 16 printable letters from Santa Claus ready to instantly download and print. There is a letter for Baby's First Christmas, to a child with no chimney, an older child who might not believe, and even a joking one to that special grownup in your life! These are a great gift idea for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and more.
Make some FREE memories this year and get that printer to printing!
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