Finally, Walgreens has their coupon policy in writing and on their website. You may view the full version here: WALGREENS COUPON POLICY
These two will clear up a lot of debate:
~When items are featured in a Buy a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased. (This means, you can use two coupons on these deals, even another B1G1 Free coupon with the B1G1 Free promotion to get both for free – the value will not be less than $0.00).
~Walgreens accepts valid internet/print at home coupons
So go over to Walgreens and print the policy off to keep in your coupon binder. Keep in mind these policies are new for a lot of the cashiers/managers, it will take them a while to learn like it did when you first started shopping with coupons.
Thanks Penny Pinchin' Mom for the heads up!

Walgreens acknowledges one producer coupon and any appropriate Walgreens coupon for the acquisition of a solitary thing, except if restricted by either coupon offer.