I spent my Saturday morning moving the weight bench and drums out of a bedroom and into a storage room in the basement. Then I sat up two twin beds in the bedroom, along with a tv, vcr and dvd player for my granddaughters.
My oldest son, daughter-n-law and my four grandchildren came for an overnight visit. Keeping so many people in such a wide age range happy, busy having fun and well fed without breaking the bank can be a challenge won with a little planning. Here's some of what we did.
We went swimming. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you all. We bought an Intex pool around the 10th of July. I wanted one, but I've heard how much work & expense they can be from my sister-n-law and mother-n-law who both has had ag pools. I did a lot of research on line. I found that you don't need to buy all those expensive chemicals.
We use the Three B's Method. Bleach, Baking Soda & Borax. Easy to find, and couldn't be cheaper. I've had no problems and it's been over a month with rain, hot humid weather, etc. See how clear my water is?
Cost: No extra cost above what we already do daily. The daily maintenance cost is $1 for bleach.
My daughter-n-law organized a Scavenger Hunt. Here she is with the three little ones (Landon 4, Reagan 5, Kennice 4) right before they start hunting. My oldest granddaughter, Taylor (who is 9) couldn't make up her mind if she was going to hunt with them or not. They had such a blast and was begging to do it again.
Cost: NONE
We played Wii. Bowling, Golf, Mario Bros., Guitar Hero. All the kids, had a blast. My 4 year old grandson beat his daddy at bowling. He was so excited. It was great!
Cost: NONE
We watched movies. My son brought a couple of dvd movies his dad and I hadn't seen from his huge collection.
The kiddos watched Buzz Light Year. One of my youngest son's favorites when he was little and they hadn't seen it. It's fun to pull out my two son's movies (on vcr tape! lol) for the little ones to watch. It's like brand new to them.
Cost: NONE
The meals were kept quick & easy this weekend.
Saturday evening I cooked a big pot of taco/burrito hamburger meat and pan fried grilled chicken strips. My two sons like chicken tacos. DIL fed the kids when they got hungry, and then us adults ate whenever we were hungry.
After they ate dinner and swam, we lit a fire in the fire pit and made smores. The little ones always love to make smores at grandma's house. That's the advantage of living in the country... we can light a fire when we want and we can shoot off fireworks whenever we want, but shhhhhhh....... don't tell them about the fireworks. They havn't realized that yet! lol
Sunday breakfast DIL baked biscuits, fried sausage, and make a wonderful sausage gravy. Some ate sausage & biscuits, some ate jelly & buscuits, some ate biscuits and gravy..... and one ate it all, I won't name who! lol (and no it wasn't me)
Sunday lunch was left overs. Tacos, biscuit sandwiches with black forest ham, bicuits & gravy.... whatever they wanted.
It was a great weekend visiting with them! I even did some more canning yesterday while they were busy with their scavenger hunt. I'll post about it later.

You're making me hungry!