Nancy of Nancy's Comfortable Cottage Living blog has awarded me the Brilliant Weblog award.
I was really surprised and honored by this. Nancy's site is like a breath of fresh air. Grab you a cup of coffee and head over there to see what is making her smile today. Thank you so much Nancy.
Here are the rules to the award.
Once an award is received, the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least three other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Here are the blogs I would like to bestow this award on:
Frugal Makes Cents Precious gives me the inspiration to keep working on using my coupons to get the most out of my grocery budget money. I dont shop all the same stores she does, but a lot of her deals I'm able to get also at my stores. Thanks for all your help Precious!
Win Your Battle With Finances Jenny has given me hope and insight on issues of debt. She has supported me and my battle with acquiring coupons and the best way to use them. Thank you for all your help Jenny. It is greatly appreciated.
I could give this award out to another 100 blogs but I will stop at three.
The third blog that I will hand this award to is the Picky Palate. Jenny creates food that is out of this world, delicious and easy to prepare. I love looking at those photos she posts! One of these days I'll have a camera that takes a decent picture. Keep up the great work Jenny. I love the inspiration your recipes and photos give me.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for passing on this award to me! I appreciate all the nice words you wrote, I'll be back to visit your blog, it looks great!
cool award! congrats...