I had been getting 10 packages for $4.90. They would go on sale for .99 and the coupons in the past had been .50 off 1, making them .49 each. But I went ahead and did this deal since the coupons were about to expire and I only had 2 packages left. Hopefully it will go back on sale for .99 each and new coupons will come out again.

The taco seasoning was on sale for .76 and the bananas were .79 a pound. I had a coupon for a FREE box of the Kashi Soft Breakfast bars ($3.89). So my oop on this order was a total of $11.88. Not bad, but could have been better.
I went over to CVS and did the Olay Regenerist deal. (Thanks Precious, Frugalsuz and everyone else who posted this deal.) I bought the 5oz tubes (I was surprised at how big the tubes were!) of the Daily regenerating cleanser that was on sale B1G1 for 50% off. The tubes were $7.49 each, total was $11.23 minus the $5 manuf coupon found in the December 14 P&G insert on the very back page. (I looked and looked and looked and finally realized I wasnt looking on the back page! Whalaa! There it was. I can be so brain dead at times!)
Total was $6.32 and I paid using one $5 ECB, so my OOP was $1.32 for the two tubes.
I will send off for the $15 gift card offer from Olay making this deal a $13.68 MONEY MAKER! You can download and print off the official gift card request form HERE!
The offer is buy any two Regenerist products between 12/14/08 and 1/14/09, fill out the form and send with your original receipt by 1/28/09 and they will send you a $15 gift card.

I know its a bit north, but if you are all the way up here on a Tuesday, the Sunfresh on Blue Pkwy sells bananas for $.39/lb every week.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip on the Farmland Sausage. I only had 1 $1 coupon, so I only bought 2 packages. We love to have breakfast for dinner. The meat is always the expensive part of that meal so it will be nice to have the sausage in my freezer. Do they run this sale often? Happy New Year!
ReplyDeletesarah I usually dont pay that much for bananas but really needed some. Thanks for the tip.
ReplyDeleteamy yes they run this sale and another one where the sausage is .99 about every 8-10 weeks.